Thule AB, Greenland along with a couple of good websites on Thule.  I spent Aug 96 - Aug 97 there.  What a joy that was.  Dark for four months out of the year the during the winter, and 4 months of sunshine during the summer.  I have included a few links to other sites that have quite a bit of information on Thule, especially when it was first constructed back in the fifties.
Early 60's recollection of Thule
Thule Times circa 1969
Thule BMEWS Booklet circa 1965

Thule AB, GreenlandFrozen North Star Bay in May

Thule AB is the U.S. Air Force's northern-most base.  It is located 690 miles north of the Arctic Circle and about 800 miles south of the North Pole.  The ice cap covering a large portion of Greenland reaches a level of 9,000 feet in places.


Mt. Dundas

Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS)

At Thule AB, I was the Quality Assurance Evaluator that monitored and evaluated the work of the civilian contractor for the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) Radar.  The contractors performed the day-to-day maintenance for this system.  

Overhead of Thule AB in April   Winter Shot 

 baffinbay_packice.jpg (219622 bytes)Pack Ice Surrounding Thule


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