Thule BMEWS Booklet
c. 1965
Contributed by Peter Komada Jr.
The purpose of this Handbook is to acquaint you with the existing facilities, rules and regulations, and general living conditions for your stay at Site I, Thule Air Base in Green-land. It would be virtually impossible to cover completely all of the numerous details in a book of this size. You will, there-fore, receive supplementary information when you arrive at Site. This Handbook should answer most of your questions, and help you acclimate yourself to living away from home, thus insuring as comfortable and enjoyable a stay as possible.
It must be remembered, however, that all of the facilities offered to you and mentioned in this book are the property of the U.S. Air Force. The use of these facilities and their schedules of operation may be changed from time to time by the Operating Command of Thule Air Base.
The Personal Handbook for Site I personnel was written and published by the RCA Service Company, BMEWS Service Project, Personnel Department, Riverton, New Jersey.
Fourth Edition: June, 1965
