We think our employees are among the finest in the world, and it is the Company’s policy to place as few restraints and restrictions on your personal conduct as is possible. For the protection of its property, business interests, and other employees, however, RCA, like other companies, establishes reasonable rules of conduct for its employees.
We ask your compliance with those rules we have found necessary to establish, and with other rules that may be established in the future. Since the breaking of any of these rules by an employee could result in serious loss to the Company and other employees in many ways, the Company reserves the right to discipline – including discharge – employees who do not abide by them.
Involvement in any of the following types of activity, among others, will be considered a violation of Company rules of conduct:
- Violation of a public law.
- Willful or negligent damage to Company property including that entrusted to it by others, including the Government, and to property of employees or visitors.
- Theft or dishonesty (including falsification of time record, time card, entering data on another employee’s time card or record, or furnishing false or incomplete information for personnel, security records, or other Company records).
- Creation of hazards of fire, safety, or health and failure to use safety devices or procedures provided for employee and public protection.
- Reporting for work while under the influence of intoxicants, or their use on Company premises.
- Gambling, fighting, disorderly conduct, and conduct which violates common decency or morality (including abusive language, possession of or use of narcotics, etc.).
- Insubordination or failure to carry out any reasonable
order by a management representative, including
refusal to work on jobs assigned by the supervisor.
- Incompetency or failure to meet reasonable standards of efficiency, including gross neglect of duty.
- Tardiness without valid excuse, absence from work
without notifying the Company, or failure to return
to work promptly upon expiration of leave of absence.
- Leaving one’s workplace for other than assigned duties without authorization from the supervisor, except for health purposes.
- Directly or indirectly selling any item on Company premises without proper authority; unauthorized solicitation on Company premises during working time; unauthorized distribution of literature or other matter in working areas during working time; posting literature or other matter on Company premises without proper authority.
- Violation of or non-compliance with Security Regulations including:
 | – Giving Company pass or badge or other Company
identification material to any person not entitled
to it.
 | – Attempting to enter, entering, or assisting any
person to enter or attempt to enter the Company’s
premises or restricted areas without proper
 | – Removing or attempting to remove Company and/or Government material (documents, equipment, etc.) from Company premises without proper authority.
| | |
- Revealing to any unauthorized persons any of the Company’s records, reports, papers, devices, and apparatus, or disclosing to others any information concerning the Company’s business, including formulas, practices, processes, and methods which are considered by the Company to be of a secret or confidential nature without the proper authorization therefor.
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